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A Word of Caution: Beware of Fakes!

When selecting a company to assist you with your written assignment, particular care must be taken. All too often students are lulled into purchasing papers from fraudulent or second-rate writing companies and end up regretting it when they get their graded paper back. This is even more true with pre-written paper websites or essay mills where hundreds if not thousands of students might be downloading a given paper and trying to turn it in as their own work. Research papers from these companies usually have citable information, but no citations, exposing the student to accusations of plagiarism. Schools of higher education take this subject very seriously, often expelling students caught plagiarizing. Even if they choose to give the student a second chance, odds are the instructors will examine future papers with a magnifying glass and high-power plagiarism detection software, which by the way is becoming more and more common as a routine activity.

Another problem that crops up much too often is grammatical and spelling errors or errors of fact that give instructors pause when considering what grade to give the paper. Although such errors might be casually corrected in early education schools, once the student is in college a much higher standard is expected. Errors of fact are a major problem with the papers written by the second-rate companies. This is particularly true in higher level research papers. We recall a paper (done by a second-rate writing firm that was later brought to us by the client for a revision) some time ago regarding the enormous walls in Great Britain that were built by the Romans in the latter centuries of the Roman Empire. The article made reference to a particular Roman fortification and stated that it was a part of the famous Hadrian's Wall. Although the fortification was related to the Hadrian's Wall's purpose, it was actually several kilometers south of the wall. This may seem like a minor point, but it caused the student's assignment grade to suffer significantly and it was a point of fact error that could, and should, have been avoided.

And last but not least, beware of the sites that claim to provide an exceptional service for a very low fee. In our opinion, anything less than $15 US dollars per page is totally unrealistic. We have never seen an American, a Briton or an Aussie willing to write papers for such wages. Trying to save money is never a good strategy when it comes to hiring a writing service because the little savings will not pay for that failed course. There are hundreds if not thousands of writing sites today, just because it's too easy to set up a simple site and prey on naive customers. When you come to making the decision, we advise that you keep the following points in mind. Check how many client testimonials the site in question is comfortable to present. Read through them carefully and ponder over their authenticity. Next, check the site's textual content, order form, terms of service, FAQs. The fakes usually have primitive order forms, no terms of sale/service and their pages are infested with grammatical errors. Then weigh the offer in terms of cost and promises. The rule of thumb is that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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  • Over 200+ trusted & competent staff writers capable of writing on any subject
  • We can do any assignment on any level. We're open 24/7, so any deadline is possible!
  • All writing is 100% plagiarism free. Scanned for plagiarism and never resold!
  • We offer great support available round the clock: Live Chat & Support Center
  • We guarantee originality, satisfaction and confidentiality
Service Features
  • 12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1 inch margins
  • Live Chat & 24/7 customer support
  • Fully documented research - free bibliography guaranteed
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